Medical Spa

Kybella® Double Chin Treatment


Kybella® is the first FDA approved non-surgical injectable that reduces the excess fat accumulation under the chin and neck area. It’s a minimally invasive, safe and effective non-surgical treatment that provides long lasting results with minimal side effects.


Kybella® is an injectable that includes a naturally occurring molecule called deoxycholic acid that’s found in the body. Kybella® is injected under the chin to melt these fat cells, thus improving your appearance and profile of the area while eliminating fat cells from the body. Once destroyed, these fat cells are no longer able to store or accumulate fat. After your series of treatments (typically 2), the results are permanent. Fat cells removed from under the chin area with Kybella® will not return. Kybella® takes 2-3 vials based off the size of the area. Results are seen within TWO WEEKS and appearance continues to improve for up to 6 months.


12001 South Freeway Suite 302
Burleson, TX 76028

Located within Medical Office Building 5



Family Medicine (817) 854-2210

MedSpa (817) 854-294



Medical Office: Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm

Friday 8am - 4pm

MedSpa: Tuesday - Friday 10am - 4pm
Call for Saturday availability


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