Medical Spa

Laser Treatments


Laser Hair Removal


Laser hair removal is the use of laser energy to produce hair removal. The laser produces heat that is absorbed by the pigment, or melanin, in the hair. That heat penetrates the hair follicle, which causes the follicle to become disabled. Damaged hair follicles have difficulty growing hair again which results in the hairless skin which clients are seeking. The hair grows in 3 different phases and only 20-30% of the hair is visible at one time therefore multiple treatments are required. Six treatments are recommended in four week cycles.


Skin Rejuvenation (Brown Pigment)


Skin rejuvenation treatments are recommended to remove unwanted benign pigmented lesions. We treat brown spots such as those caused by sun damaged skin and age spots. Skin rejuvenation uses the laser to target the melanin (brown pigment) cells in the skin to remove the appearance of aging and/or sun damage to the skin. Once the treatment is completed the body will naturally remove unwanted sun spots and improve aging skin. Skin rejuvenation treatments can be performed on the face, neck, hands, back, legs and the chest areas and may require multiple treatments. 1-2 treatments are recommended.


Laser Vein Removal


Laser vein removal uses the laser to remove unwanted small vascular lesions such as spider veins, telangiectasias, venous lakes, hemangiomas and port wine stains. Spider veins and telangiectasias are those small red, purple, and bluish vessels that appear on the cheeks, chin, nose and legs. Laser vein removal treatments use the laser to target the unwanted vessels and seal them off where they dissolve which makes these unwanted vessels no longer visible on the skin. It is recommended that clients schedule multiple treatments to achieve optimal results and if applicable to you this will be discussed in your initial consultation. Laser vein removal treatments are performed in 15 minute and 30 minute time blocks. 1-2 treatments are recommended.


Skin Tightening


Skin tightening is recommended to treat wrinkles and skin laxity. Skin tightening treatments activate the collagen using heat without causing any damage to the skin. It heats the inner layer of the skin which stimulates collagen and results in younger and tighter skin. Skin tightening treatments are recommended on the face, neck and decollete.  During your initial consultation we  will work with you to identify your areas of concern and discuss areas amenable to skin tightening specific to you. Because visible skin tightening requires your collagen to activate it can take up to 6 months for optimal results, however you will notice some immediate results with the reduction of wrinkles. Treatments are done every 4 weeks. Number of treatments vary depending on your individual starting canvas and desired results.


Laser Wrinkle Reduction


A non-ablative, noninvasive treatment of facial lines and wrinkles without the long recovery time of ablative treatments. Non-ablative lasers selectively damage and remodel the dermis, which is responsible for collagen production, to improve the skin's appearance while avoiding injury to the epidermis. This allows for effective treatment without interruption of everyday life or social engagements.


12001 South Freeway Suite 302
Burleson, TX 76028

Located within Medical Office Building 5


Family Medicine (817) 854-2210

MedSpa (817) 854-2947

©2023 - 2024 Mckenzie Family Medicine. All rights reserved.


Medical Office: Monday-Thursday 8am - 5pm

Friday 8am - 4pm

MedSpa: Tuesday - Friday 10am - 4pm
Call for Saturday availability