Mckenzie Family Medicine and Med Spa

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is the platelet-concentrated portion of your blood that is rich in growth factor proteins. Platelets are part of the blood that bind together when they recognize damage, further releasing growth factors, a process that is thought to stimulate the body’s healing and tissue regeneration process.

This process helps rebuild the collagen network, crucial for healthy skin texture and elasticity. Check out the Selphyl® website for more information.

Microneedling With PRP

After a quick blood draw using a small butterfly needle, your blood is placed into a centrifuge, which spins the blood rapidly, causing the separation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and red blood cells. The PRP is then applied to the area being treated, and the microchannels created during microneedling allow the PRP to penetrate deep into the skin, which results in enhanced collagen boosting and, ultimately, smoother, plumper, and tighter skin.

Pfm vs pfm vs Women Health Services
PRP Injection Pic

PRP Facial Injections

PRP is injected into the areas of the face that show signs of volume loss and aging. PRP may be injected along with hyaluronic acid filler, such as Juvéderm®.

PRP for Hair Loss

PRP is injected into the areas of the scalp where hair loss has occurred. This helps to repair damaged follicles and stimulate the follicles to produce new hair growth.

PRP Hairlose