Botox®, onabotulinum toxin A, is used to relax the muscles around the eyes and the forehead to allow the skin folds to flatten, providing younger-appearing skin. Botox® treatments are very simple and safe. Botox® is injected into the muscles around the eyes using a small needle, which is almost painless. Topical numbing medication can be applied first if desired for a more comfortable experience. Botox® gradually starts to relax the muscle within the first few days and will last 3 to 4 months. We encourage you to follow up with us after the first 2 weeks to make sure that you are happy with your treatment and results. To achieve optimal results, we encourage you to re-inject the Botox® before the effect is completely worn off, and we recommend having it done every 3 months. As with all of our treatments at McKenzie Family Medicine & MedSpa the consultation process is very important as you will work with your provider to develop the best treatment plan for YOU.

Botox® is measured in units. The frown lines between the eyes (glabella) typically take between 20 and 25 units. Crow’s feet, the lines around the eyes, commonly will take between 12 and 15 units per side. Wrinkles across the forehead will require between 10 and 20 units. Eyebrow lift requires around 5 units. Bunny lines typically require up to 10 units. Gummy smiles commonly require 4–6 units per side. Lip flip commonly requires 8–12 units. Nefertiti neck lift commonly takes between 40 and 60 units. There are many other areas where Botox® can be used to help contour and define your facial features. Your initial provider consultation will help direct you in determining the amount of Botox® needed to obtain your desired results.